Book Clubs

Are you in a Book Club?  I’d love for you to consider selecting The Reel Sisters as your next book!  Download our Book Club Discussion Questions, to help get you started.

Author Chat!

Would you like Michelle to call into your book club?  Click here to schedule Michelle to call into your book club.  You can talk about the novel, the plot, the characters, or anything that comes to mind.

Here are a few things to keep in mind for your Author Chat:

Before the Meeting

  • Schedule the call. Please provide at least two contact numbers, in case there are any connection issues.
  • Remember to check which time zone you’re both in. Michelle will most likely be calling from Mountain Time Zone.
  • Print off the list of Book Club Discussion Questions and bring it to your meeting.
  • Do your research. Cruise through the website or Facebook page for existing information about Michelle and the book.  Jot down your questions and bring them to book club.
  • Email Michelle the names of the people attending, and an address for her to send autographed name plates to adhere to the inside of your book. (And maybe other surprises!)
  • Read the book!

During the Meeting

  • Schedule the call at least 30-45 minutes into your book club. This allows everyone to get settled, get their food and drinks, and get caught up on each other’s lives.
  • Try to discuss the book before our call, that way you know what questions you want to ask. There is a list of questions in the back of the book to get you started.  This way you can think up different questions, or probe more deeply on topics you feel you’d like to know more about.
  • Make sure your cell phone is working! Is your battery charged?  Do you know how to use the speaker phone feature?
  • Make sure the phone/computer is positioned so that everyone can hear and be heard. And test the connection before the conversation starts!
  • Zoom/Video Chats are also available.  Michelle can schedule and host the Zoom session if needed.
  • Have fun!

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